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New project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation

Our project “CAll for Regulation Support In Social MediA” (CARISMA) has been funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. CARISMA will be a joint effort conducted by researchers from SUPSI, OSoMe , UZH, and ISI-USC.

CARISMA aims at establishing a clear, traceable, and replicable methodology to craft policy recommendations that effectively mitigate the harms of social media actors responsible for abusive and illicit behaviors. Inputs from media policy and governance research will be used to formulate a set of policy alternatives that are expected to produce effective solutions for the mitigation of online harm. Computational social science methodologies will in turn model the effects of moderation policies and quantify their impact.

CARISMA will generate policy recommendations and quantitative evidence to classify regulatory policies and assess their expected impact within the information ecosystem. This will form the basis, for platforms and regulators of any country, to react in a timely fashion to social media misuse by crafting effective and transparent policy interventions.